
這幾天小光來我家玩,看到[104美國直購] iRobot Roomba 980 Vacuum Cleaning Robot 第9代掃地機器人吸塵器 覺得很好用也想買一個

急性子的小光卻要我馬上陪他去買[104美國直購] iRobot Roomba 980 Vacuum Cleaning Robot 第9代掃地機器人吸塵器 ,懶惰的我當然是直接上網幫他下訂單啦~

雖然懶惰,但精打細算的我還是查了一下[104美國直購] iRobot Roomba 980 Vacuum Cleaning Robot 第9代掃地機器人吸塵器在各大平台折價後的價格,再決定在哪家買


[104美國直購] iRobot Roomba 980 Vacuum Cleaning Robot 第9代掃地機器人吸塵器 用過之後感覺真的很不賴!大力推薦!!!









Roomba 700系列 吸塵器

The new Roomba 980 gives you cleaner floors, throughout your entire home, all at the push of a button. Roomba 980 seamlessly navigates an entire level of your home, keeping track of its location and recharging as needed until the job is done. The AeroForce Cleaning System with Carpet Boost automatically increases power on carpets where it's needed most. And with the iRobot HOME App, you can clean and schedule on the go.IROBOT ROOMBA 980


The new Roomba 980 keeps going until the job is done, vacuuming an entire level of your home for up to two hours, recharging as needed. And with the iRobot HOME App, you can start and schedule Roomba 980 from anywhere. Getthe Smart, Simple, powerful Clean of Roomba 980.


Cleans an entire level of your home: iAdapt2.0 Navigation with Visual Localization helps Roomba 980 seamlessly and efficiently navigate an entire level of your home and keep track of its location.

Automatically recharges and resumes until the job is done: Roomba 980 runs continuously for up to two hours, then automatically recharges and resumes cleaning to complete the entire job.

Navigates multiple rooms: With iAdapt 2.0 Responsive Navigation, Roomba 980uses a high-efficiency cleaning pattern and full suite of sensors to adapt to real-world clutter and furniture.

Cleans under sofas and chairs: Low-profile design allows Roomba to clean under most furniture and kickboards, so dirt has no place to hide.

Won't fall down stairs: Cliff-detection sensors allow Roomba to avoid stairsand other dangerous drop-offs.


Connect to clean from anywhere: The iRobot HOME App lets you clean and schedule conveniently – anytime, anywhere. It also lets you choose custom cleaning preferences and see the status of cleaning jobs.

Cleans all floors types: Roomba automatically adjusts to clean carpets, tile, hardwood and laminate floors as it moves through your home.

Automatically docks and recharges: Roomba automatically returns to its HomeBase docking station between cleanings to recharge.

Cleans on a schedule: Roomba can be preset to vacuum up to seven times perweek.

Handles hair with ease: Brushless extractors prevent the tangles and jams of hair and other debris, making it even easier for Roomba to tackle daily dirt build-up.


Automatically increases power on carpets where it's needed most: The AeroForce Cleaning System with Carpet Boost provides up to 10x the air power** by automatically increasing performance on carpet and rugs, where dust and dirt hide.

Sweeps wall edges and corners: Spinning side brush pushes debris into the path of the 3-stage cleaning system.

Traps dust as small as one micron: HEPA-style Filter*** traps dirt, dust and allergens to help keep the air clean.

What's In The Box:

1 iRobot Roomba 980

1 Rechargeable Battery

1 Home Base Charging Station

1 Line Cord

2 Dual Mode Virtual Wall Barriers (batteries included)

1 Extra Filter

1-YearManufacturer's Limited Warranty On Robot, 6-Month Manufacturer'sLimited Warranty On Battery


Package Dimensions: 20.5 x 5.25 x 16.5 inches

Package Weight: 13.7 lbs.

Robot Dimensions: 13.8 inches in diameter, 3.6 inches in height

Robot Weight: 8.7 lbs.

Tested in iRobot's Home Test Lab on hard floors. Run times may vary

Compared to Roomba 600 and 700 series AeroVac systems

The iRobot HEPAstyle filter uses E11 HEPA media which was tested to capture

99% of particles as small as 1 micron passing through the filter per IESTRPCC001.5













[104美國直購] iRobot Roomba 980 Vacuum Cleaning Robot 第9代掃地機器人吸塵器 討論,推薦,開箱,CP值,熱賣,團購,便宜,優惠,介紹,排行,精選,特價,周年慶,體驗,限時









2010年,谷歌(Google)因不滿中國政府的內容審查制度,決定退出中國市場,旗下包括應用程式商店Google Play等服務皆被全面封鎖。不過,現有消息傳出,中國知名網路公司「網易」正與Google洽談,雙方希望成立合資公司,以讓 Google Play 重返中國,但協議是否成真,仍有待揭曉。

據美國科技網站「The Information」引述知情人士報導, 網易已與Google接觸過,針對共同推出中國版Google Play進行商討,即遵守中國的法律要求,應用程式和遊戲均須經審查,但目前不清楚雙方是否達成協議。


然而,即使Google Play順利回到中國,勢必也將面臨眾多挑戰。數據顯示,Android系統手機在中國的市佔高達九成,但隨著Google Play退出多年,中國使用者已習慣透過其他Android商店下載應用程式,其中以百度、騰訊和奇虎360佔據市場主導地位,加上各大手機廠商如華為、小米、OPPO和Vivo,紛紛推出自有應用商店,且幾乎所有應用程式皆為免費,要改變消費者使用習慣的困難不小。

根據國外市調機構Sensor Tower研究指出,Google Play 2016年第四季的營收為33億美元(約台幣1027億元),較去年的18億美金成長近82%,追過蘋果App Store 的60%,但App Store整體營收高達54億美元(約1680億美元),在營收方面比Google Play高出許多。

匯流新聞網:中國加強網路管制禁止「翻牆」 網友:努力移民
匯流新聞網:Google Play:將終止支援老舊安卓系統版本

CNEWS 匯流新聞網:




土耳其愛琴海城市伊茲米爾(Izmir)的市府秘書長果克切(Bugra Gokce)告訴美國有線電視新聞網土耳其頻道(CNN Turk)說,伊茲米爾的一個法院附近今天(5日)遭到汽車炸彈攻擊。




[104美國直購] iRobot Roomba 980 Vacuum Cleaning Robot 第9代掃地機器人吸塵器 推薦, [104美國直購] iRobot Roomba 980 Vacuum Cleaning Robot 第9代掃地機器人吸塵器 討論, [104美國直購] iRobot Roomba 980 Vacuum Cleaning Robot 第9代掃地機器人吸塵器 部落客, [104美國直購] iRobot Roomba 980 Vacuum Cleaning Robot 第9代掃地機器人吸塵器 比較評比, [104美國直購] iRobot Roomba 980 Vacuum Cleaning Robot 第9代掃地機器人吸塵器 使用評比, [104美國直購] iRobot Roomba 980 Vacuum Cleaning Robot 第9代掃地機器人吸塵器 開箱文, [104美國直購] iRobot Roomba 980 Vacuum Cleaning Robot 第9代掃地機器人吸塵器?推薦, [104美國直購] iRobot Roomba 980 Vacuum Cleaning Robot 第9代掃地機器人吸塵器 評測文, [104美國直購] iRobot Roomba 980 Vacuum Cleaning Robot 第9代掃地機器人吸塵器 CP值, [104美國直購] iRobot Roomba 980 Vacuum Cleaning Robot 第9代掃地機器人吸塵器 評鑑大隊, [104美國直購] iRobot Roomba 980 Vacuum Cleaning Robot 第9代掃地機器人吸塵器 部落客推薦, [104美國直購] iRobot Roomba 980 Vacuum Cleaning Robot 第9代掃地機器人吸塵器 好用嗎?, [104美國直購] iRobot Roomba 980 Vacuum Cleaning Robot 第9代掃地機器人吸塵器 去哪買?


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